Citizens Of The World - A Humanitarian Organization has started providing a nation wide awareness of our country's inability to protect our black American citizens.
Submit your video story of racism, police brutality and/or hate to add to the collection of The Dream of Equality Continues
There is no language filter - but you may want your story to be heard by all ages so that everyone knows what you experienced and what you had to go through.
Top 100
Movers &
of the
Gold Coin
2015 CITIZENS OF THE WORLD's Al Magdaleno is chosen as one of The Florida Agenda's Top 100 Movers and Shakers in South Florida
50 Most Influential People
2015 CITIZENS OF THE WORLD's Al Magdaleno is chosen as one of the top 50 Most Influential People in South Florida
2015 Community Leadership Award
CITIZENS OF THE WORLD'S Al Magdaleno is awarded the 2nd Annual Community Leadership Award in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Freemsaon's of Ponce Puerto Rico award Al Magdaleno with a letter of appreciation and their Freemason gold coin for helping their island after Hurricane Maria.
2018 Global Empowerment Mission
Global Empowerment Mission awards Al Magdaleno with am appreciation plaque for assisting Hurricane Irma and Maria victims throughout the Caribbean